PreTail and ReTail: How does the consumer make his buying decisions and what strategic leverage points can be identified here? When and how do first preferences develop? How does the consumer react in the buying decision process and what does he react to? What ultimately drives preference?
But we also have to look back: what creates satisfaction and loyalty and thus triggers high brand preference and a repeat purchase intention?
Consumer Decision Journey
More transparency in the purchase process – Pre-Tail & Re-Tail
POS surveys show: even for complex and high-end products, consumers manage to make their decision in a short space of time. But how is this decision reached? The consumer cannot normally give an adequate answer to this question. The decision process can only be partially reflected, the drivers of behaviour are often not even conscious, the predispositions guiding preference were often formed well in advance – the zero moment of truth.
Therefore, shopper insights begin before the POS. At the POS – whether offline or online – behavioural observations, interviews and eye-tracking bring transparency. The buying decision is split into a large number of individual dimensions and touchpoints which might influence the decision process.
The influence of the individual dimensions is analysed with the help of bivariate and multivariate methods.
How relevant are the individual dimensions (e.g. product, brand, packaging, stickers, etc.) for the buying decision?
What characterises each dimension in detail?
How successfully do the individual brands and products work in this respect?
A mix of methods – qualitative accompanied shopping and statistical tools to identify the drivers in the purchase situation – combines dependable numbers with qualitative depth, helps to identify and understand the relevant touchpoints and their mechanics and hence to develop targeted shopper marketing.
Loyalty Check
Build on profitable customer relationships
Having loyal customers pays off: sales stability, revenue growth and recommendation.
But which services, product features and activities are particularly important for strengthening the customer relationship? And how does my company perform compared to relevant competitors?
With multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis and correspondence analysis, the Loyalty Check brings together corporate image, services, touchpoints, customer groups and needs to reveal what strengthens satisfaction and recommendation.
Measurement of the corporate image and identification of key image dimensions
Measurement of individual satisfiers as well as the strengths and weaknesses of individual touchpoints, also among relevant stakeholders
Identification of the touchpoints and services that are particularly relevant for overall satisfaction and customer loyalty
Analysis of the connection between relevant image dimensions and individual touchpoints to create an appropriate long-term positioning for the customer
Differentiation of the results by consumer group and deduction of specific strategies for action
Benchmarking with relevant competitors
Sales Lab
Designing sales stories and sales culture
Particularly for products requiring explanation like high-end consumables or pharmaceutical products, the development of sales materials and sales presentations is often difficult. The consequence is that marketing has to be individually fine-tuned later – after first experiences with the materials. Things become blurred: dilution of product messages, losing sight of corporate goals.
This is where the Sales Lab comes in as a combined process for the development and check of marketing and sales material. Qualitative research units alternate with creative sessions: observe the sales discussion. Interview the persons involved. Rework the material.
Systematic process – stringent, efficient and effective
Joint development by sales and marketing people
Trial of material in a realistic setting
Learn from a concrete product discussion
Develop and optimise material in feedback loops