Successful brand management means recognising your own position in the competitive environment, identifying points of leverage for brand preferences, and understanding how your brand is experienced. This includes the brand status as well as the semantic and semiotic coding of your brand in logo and claim, and the relationship between umbrella brand and individual product brands.
Brand Experience Analyzer
Understand brand experience, fine-tune brand positioning
How is the brand experienced? What does the brand contribute to preference formation and hence to value creation and volume? How relevant are the key brand values and how well are they leveraged?
The objective of the Brand Experience Analyzer is to use the current status quo of the brand and its competitors as basis for identifying relevant drivers that could become the strategic platform for future positioning of the brand. To this end, the Brand Experience Analyzer combines four levels of perception into one overall analysis:
Perception of the category: what are the motives for using a product category? What needs should be met? In which situations will the product category be used and what motivational tensions might this lead to?
Perception of the competition: which conceptual ideas are dominant in the market? Which brands are associated with which ideas and what tensions result from the interaction of various brands?
Perception of a brand’s soul: from the consumer’s point of view, what are the discriminating, preference-driving elements and what does the brand stand for? What tensions emerge from an analytical comparison with perception of the category and the competition?
Perception of a brand’s body: which defining brand elements are top-of-mind and to what extent do they influence brand experience? Does the semiotic analysis show a coherent picture of the brand or are any tensions evident within its identity? Do the individual brand signals ensure a relevant and unique positioning within the structure of motives and needs?
Claim & Logo Check
Optimise the strategic triggers for the brand promise
Do the claim and logo put the brand promise in a nutshell? Do they succeed in attracting attention, arousing interest and transporting the strategic positioning of brand and product?
The criteria used by our Claim & Logo Check to evaluate a slogan or claim are just as differentiated as the requirements made of claims & logos:
Communication effectiveness: how clear, memorable and impactful is the claim?
Brand fit: to what extent are the brand values conveyed?
Product fit: how well are the specific benefits and sense of value communicated?
Uniqueness: how unique is the design and message?
Involvement: how much interest is aroused?
Relevance: how relevant is the message and how far does it drive preference?
Umbrella Check
Successful coordination of umbrella brand and product brands
How important are the individual product brands – not only with a view to reach and volume? The overall strategic structure of the umbrella brand and product brands also needs considering here: How does the umbrella brand perform and what is its contribution to the product brands? And vice versa: how important are the product brands for the umbrella brand? What do they contribute to up-to-dateness, perceived value, quality and trust in the umbrella brand?
The Umbrella Check investigates and reveals possible optimisations for coordination of umbrella brand and individual product brands.
Gauges the importance of the individual brands for reach and volume
Measures the importance of the individual brands for acceptance of the umbrella brand
Shows the relevance of these values in the relationship between umbrella and individual brands
Thus helps to structure the range not only from the perspective of reach and volume but also from the strategic aspect of brand management.