Empowering Growth
Global research for innovation, design and successful marketing strategies and operations
What defines us
Identify where the potential for innovation lies.
Understand what differentiates in the market.
Initiate what generates growth.
We develop research approaches and tools that help to decipher, recognise and design.
We support companies from the first insights and innovative ideas to the positioning and launch.
We see research as the basis for thinking and working on innovation, design and customer-centred marketing.
Facts and Figures
years of research
product categories
successful projects
coffee machines working non-stop

Empowering Business & Consumer Insights
Insights as fuel for corporate growth
Empowering Business & Consumer Insights
Understand markets, decision-makers and decisions, generate new momentum – business and consumer insights are the fuel for corporate growth. Product development, selective targeting, communication strategies and brand building thrive on insights. learn more
Empowering Innovation
Interdisciplinary work, iterative development
Empowering Innovation
The setting of innovation research has changed. Design Thinking and Agile Engineering are entering the scene. Interdisciplinary work, iterative development, innovativeness on the path to innovation – all this is common practice. And that means for research: no one-fits-all process but agile requirements management. learn more
Empowering Product & Pack Performance
The proof point in product development
Empowering Product & Pack Performance
How successful is the product in the environment of relevant competitors and what could be optimised for the launch? Product packaging, price and especially design are put to the test: how well does the product differentiate from other brands and within its own product family? Does the design communicate the relevant values? Is the price position supported? And finally: how large is the preference share? learn more
Empowering Brand
Optimise brand management
Empowering Brand
Successful brand management means recognising your own position in the competitive environment, identifying points of leverage for brand preferences, and understanding how your brand is experienced. This includes the brand status as well as the semantic and semiotic coding of your brand in logo and claim, and the relationship between umbrella brand and individual product brands. learn more
Empowering Communication
Impact instead of appeal
Empowering Communication
The brand and product messages that drive preference are packaged and presented simply and clearly while still evoking many associations. Likeability is secondary: communication doesn’t have to appeal. Communication has to be effective. Following this logic, specific test approaches were developed to map the conditions required for successful communication and to help better develop communicative measures. learn more
Empowering Sales
Optimise PreTail and ReTail as points of leverage
Empowering Sales
PreTail and ReTail: How does the consumer make his buying decisions and what strategic leverage points can be identified here? When and how do first preferences develop? How does the consumer react in the buying decision process and what does he react to? What ultimately drives preference? But we also have to look back: what creates satisfaction and loyalty and thus triggers high brand preference and a repeat purchase intention? learn moreMETHODS
In-Depth Explorations
(f2f & online)
In addition to projective and associative techniques, the narrative interview and objective hermeneutics are essential to our in-depth explorations. Since: the key to a person’s secret wishes and needs lies in the surplus of meaning of language.
Focus Groups
Opinions and decisions are made in dialogue, in continuous interaction between different personalities with different perspectives and backgrounds. This provokes points of friction and heightens the perception of various needs and perspectives.
Creative Labs
Creative Labs help to break the usual thought patterns, create new insights and produce ever new points of friction in feedback loops. They are hence a fundamental method and platform for consumer-centred innovation processes.
Mixed Methods
–Bridging WHY and WHAT
Why deciding between qualitative and quantitative research when you’re looking for answers to both questions, the Why and the What? That’s what “Bridge” is for: our time-efficient and cost-effective hybrid qual-quant approach that delivers the best of both worlds.
Ethnographic Depths
The casualness of conversation, the natural setting and informality of established daily routines provide comprehensive insights into motives and needs, help to understand other milieus and lifestyles, and make it possible to track down the routines and cultures of dealing with products.
Face – to – face
(inhall & inhome)
Face-to-face frequently seems old school in times of online surveys. However, the face-to-face interview has unbeatable advantages: longer interviews on complex topics are possible, better output for open-ended questions and realistic impressions of colour and material variants in product and packaging tests.
Online Interviews
Multimedia contents, interactivity, combination of qualitative and quantitative elements – online research is more than the “cheap” version of face-to-face interviews. Good accessibility to difficult target groups and the wide range of tools make online interviews into an efficient and attractive method.
CATI & CATI-Interactive
Computer-assisted telephone interviews have their advantages mainly in shorter field times, lower costs and a higher rate of response from difficult target groups like e.g. commercial decision-makers, doctors, investors, but also regionally limited customers or the elderly. CATI-Interactive uses the best of both media by combining telephone interviews with an online presentation.
Multivariate Analysis
Multivariate analysis is essential for the identification of relevant factors in the relationship between product brand and umbrella brand, the decoding of key purchase decision drivers, the complex mechanisms in perception of design and advertising.